Event Information

League Game - LA United FC (A) @ Griswolds FC (H)

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Game Summary

1 2 Final
LogoLA United FC 2 1 3
LogoGriswolds FC 0 0 0


Date:Sunday, June 26, 2011
Time:06:30 PM PDT
Duration:1 hour
Location:Rose Bowl South 8a
Contact:Jonathan Levy (Send Jonathan a message)


The roster information for the LA United FC is protected by privacy settings.
The roster information for the Griswolds FC is protected by privacy settings.


2011-05-15T07:52:27.000-07:00May 15 2011, at 07:52 AM PDT, Robert Morrison said:

Sent E-Mail. I'll be following up with those who haven't responded...good call ;)

2011-05-14T14:44:47.000-07:00May 14 2011, at 02:44 PM PDT, JP Cabrera said:

SEVEN of our players have yet to respond as of today Saturday! Can someone please call them? We only have six players attending right now! Thank you!

2011-05-12T10:54:39.000-07:00May 12 2011, at 10:54 AM PDT, Daniel Valenzuela said:

I will be attending. don't see an invite yet.

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